Mantis Behavior After Laying


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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Well, i been noticing females after laying will hang around the ooth for awile before wandering the cage again and acting more aggressive when i try to take her out. Females always seem to stay no more then 5 inches from the ooth. Also, after a week when i remove the ooth, the female goes to the spot where the ooth was and rub her antenna along the crust of the missing ooth and it looks like they are licking the ooth crust. Then to top it off they stop eating for a few days till they get REAL SKINNY. Has anyone else noticed Behavior after laying ? I noticed this on most breeds that layed there first 2 ooths.

Ghosts get agressive. Mios get agressive. Spiny flowers get depressed or something didnt move or eat for 3 days. Chines mantids dont care at all actualy. Creobroters seem to play possum and try to devert away from the ooth. This I have noticed with more then one female for each breed.

I've never noticed that in any species. I'm sure it has another explanation though. Every mantis I have ever had got very hungry within a couple hours after making an ooth.

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I would doubt very highly that they even realize what they just laid. :lol: I think it has more to do with instinct then anything else. I have never seen a depressed mantis. If they are getting depressed? Maybe it's time to crush up some prozac, and put it in there drinking water. :lol: All joking aside! I would like to think they have some type of parental sense. Considering how much time, and energy is spent building up and laying an ooth, to just have it eaten by something else without a fight!

Chines mantids dont care at all actualy.
Lol funny you should mention that because most of my experience is with Chinese Mantises and never noticed my females paying any heed to their ooths after laying.
Since im on the subject of behavor, y do flower mantids flap there wings for 5 min and dont actualy fly ? Its funny 1 of my females walks around and flaps. They only do this when there out of there cage.

Psedocreobotara wahlbergii female has been flying at night each time she layed an ooth. After producing each ooth she started to crawl in her cage when the night came, thus making some noise. When I heard this for the first time and released her out, wondering what's the matter, she put her wings up, buzzed for 10-15 seconds and then flew horizontally, even raising up and looking like a middle-sized moth, to the bobbin-net on the window, which was lighted a little from street lights, and crawled up towards the ceiling. Several times I took her from the net, distancing to about 3 meters into the room, and every time she did the same - turned to the window, buzzed, flew and then crawl up.

Mature male of this species showed similar behaviour nearly every night. And when it happened that they landed on the net together, they didn't pay any attention to each other, just crawling up very intensively, almost running.
