Mantis Eulogy


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I know this being kind of melodramatic and ridiculous. But where else am I going to post this?

But I got my first mantis (polyspilota aeruginosa) juvvies (est L4) in late June and today the last of my mantises from this summer is fading. She will not see tomorrow.

My first summer raising mantises was an expected and unexpected honor and delight. I knew it would be fun and, at times, trying. And I knew I would learn a thing or two about mantises in the process. What I never expected was how much I learned about myself. The life and death of these beautiful aliens made me see the world in a much different light.

Fifi is the name of the mantis dying today. She was always the mantis I would take out to show to me and my boyfriends friends, or to anyone who would give me the time of day. Fifi has been photographed, filmed, drawn, and handled the most out of all the mantises. She had a lot of personality and energy. I don't like to say any of them were my favorites but I was especially attached to Fifi.

Rest assured, Fifi's death does not mark the end for me, but the begging of a lifelong passion. Come next spring I hope to have have a new batch of nymphs to learn from.

Rest in peace Fifi. Though you are gone, you will always strike fear into the hearts of many crickets and flys.

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:blush: :( :innocent: I was really moved by that. Im sorry, the first few mantids you have that die are always the worst. Thats usually why i like to have a small collection, so I can really pay attention to each mantids personalities. Can't wait to see what mantids you get next! ;)
I think I have lamented the loss of nearly all my Mantids...especially when they reach adult.

sorry for your loss

It is hard! I miss Sticky and look for Martha in her cage. I am making new friends though. I am feeling better, I don't cry anymore.
