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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2009
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hey everyone if you put a male and a female mantis in the same caje for the to mate and they start to fight how do you seperate them with wat object. im not sure if this has been discused already but please let me know.

with anything thats on hand at the time!! i usually have a paintbrush for such occasions. try to make sure the female doesnt see the male coming or if she does, distract her. im sure theres a sticky on this somewhere...

with anything thats on hand at the time!! i usually have a paintbrush for such occasions. try to make sure the female doesnt see the male coming or if she does, distract her. im sure theres a sticky on this somewhere...
Yeah, Rick has a sticky, "My technique for mating mantids," right at the top of this section.

I keep a large fuzzy paintbrush in my bug room, too. Don't tell anyone I said this, Aje, but if a frisky first or second instar nymph refuses to come back where it belongs, I'll spit on the paint brush and mop up the nymph with it and put it back where it belongs. Pretty disgusting, huh?

How long is it since your happy couple moulted to adult, BTW?

My hands seem to work pretty well.

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