Mantis Hiney Dance


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Hahahaha :clown: . You have to love Creobroter sp. That is the silliest, cutest yoga bug I have ever seen :)

mine have been shy little buggers the whole time ive had them. i touch them and they dont move i really have to give them a nudge to get them to start climbing onto my hand

Shake it like a salt shaker! Too bad they get shy once they're adults.
Mine are still really freindly as adults. When i walk into the room they come to the edge of the container towards me. They will sit on me and wait for their honey and still take the flys out of my fingers,yuk. The new male is a little skitzo though. he runs around like a cute little nutball.

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Mine are still really freindly as adults. When i walk into the room they come to the edge of the container towards me. They will sit on me and wait for there honey and still take the flys out of my fingers,yuk. The new male is a little skitzo though. he runs around like a cute little nutball.
i dont have anymore likes left! :mad:

"The new male is a little skitzo though. he runs around like a cute little nutball." ....but i thought that was a dorable

Now if I can just teach her to do it on command. =p

I can't help but laugh and smile every time I glance over and happen to catch one of them scooting around in that manner.

Hahahaha :clown: . You have to love Creobroter sp. That is the silliest, cutest yoga bug I have ever seen :)
I'm certainly starting to see why they are so popular on this board. I've been having a lot of fun with this species. It is true they aren't as active as say a Chinese mantis but there is a certain enjoyment out of being able to set them on my desk plants and having them relax next to me all day with little worry of them crawling off.

lol mine do this to each other constantly. i love it! it looks like they are trying to swim... or "shadow boxing" as Danny. says.
Do they do well communally? They seem so feisty when they eat that even though they tend to settle down in one spot I would be far too worried about cannibalism. I only have three so I have everyone set up in their own net cages.

Shake it like a salt shaker! Too bad they get shy once they're adults.
This is my first batch so it will be interesting to see how they are as adults.

Doin' The Harlem Shake :clown:
She certainly loves to move it, move it.

Do they do well communally? They seem so feisty when they eat that even though they tend to settle down in one spot I would be far too worried about cannibalism. I only have three so I have everyone set up in their own net cages.
i just made their enclosure bigger. ive only seen fighting a few times. and they are more just slapping at eachother like little girls... a "B!tch fight" if you will. :)

When I had Creos I kept them in a little beta tank with a clear divider in between. The best thing was seeing them staring at each other through the glass, both dancing. I don't know why but it always reminded me of the disco dancing scene in Pulp Fiction :lol:

When I had Creos I kept them in a little beta tank with a clear divider in between. The best thing was seeing them staring at each other through the glass, both dancing. I don't know why but it always reminded me of the disco dancing scene in Pulp Fiction :lol:
i keep a couple of my ghosts i got from you in one of those betta tanks.

a friend of mine says it reminds him of zoolander, "they are break dance fighting"

When I had Creos I kept them in a little beta tank with a clear divider in between. The best thing was seeing them staring at each other through the glass, both dancing. I don't know why but it always reminded me of the disco dancing scene in Pulp Fiction :lol:
That sounds insanely adorable. I might have to check for one of those cages next time I am in a petstore.

Nice catch! Very similar to the slo-mo hula Orchids do.
Hahaha I can only imagine how much better it would have looked though with your camera skills. =p

not good as adults together, female always wins! cute hiney!
Being the paranoid bug momma I am I just prefer to keep everyone separate to be on the safe side.
