Mantis wont Eat


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Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA, USA
Hey everybody, My sub-adult Giant Asian Mantis has not eaten in over a week, She finally molted yesterday morning so that explains the past week, but she still will not eat today. I have offered her crickets, flies, and a mosquito hawk by and hand and loose in the tank and she only strikes at it as if in defense, but will not grasp it and eat. Her abdomen is pretty thin and looks like it has nothing in it, any suggestions? Thanks!

Hey everybody, My sub-adult Giant Asian Mantis has not eaten in over a week, She finally molted yesterday morning so that explains the past week, but she still will not eat today. I have offered her crickets, flies, and a mosquito hawk by and hand and loose in the tank and she only strikes at it as if in defense, but will not grasp it and eat. Her abdomen is pretty thin and looks like it has nothing in it, any suggestions? Thanks!
Sorry double post. Look down :rolleyes:

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Give it a little more time. Perhaps another day. Mist its enclosure in the meantime in case it needs a drink. Mantids often refrain from eating after they have moulted to allow their exoskeleton to dry.

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Maybe it just isn't hungry? Do you ever not feel like eating? If normal otherwise I wouldn't worry.

Mosquito hawk that such a cool second name for the dragonfly :p .

When my giant asian female molted to adult i gave her a full 24 hours to dry then i put flys in but she din't eat them till later the next day.

Its so strange, I dangle moths, flies and crickets in front of it and it doesn't seem interested at all, but it just keeps looking up at my face and wants to get up there. When I move around it follows me with its head and it obviously just really wants to be on my face it seems because when I get close up to it it starts reaching out. Anyone else notice that mantids seem to be conscious of our faces in particular?
