Metallyticus violaceus feeding


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hello everyone!

My Metallyticus are getting bigger(L5)and I was wondering if I should feed them with something else than wingless fruitflies?

Thank you for your help!

at L5, it sounds like at least houseflys are in order.

I know they start off quite small, but it should be eating larger pray by now.


How big are they, I feed some species house flies at L1...

Yes I skip ff's all together, but you would be the best to judge on what they will handle.

Got any pics of there size?

Nikko: You may have read the old myth that M. splendens would die if fed anything but cockroaches. It turns out to be false, but you might want to try your M. violaceous on some small roaches. You can always try mantids on larger food together with what they are currently eating. If they are ready, they will eat it.

Thank you very much for your answers and help!

I tried to feed them on small houseflies and thermobias.I suppose they eat both but I am not sure as I barely see them through the terrarium.I will try withsmall cockroaches,thanks for the tip!

Some of the Metallyticus have 4 yellow spots on the back and are more than 1cm long,I will try to take pictures of the beasts!

I keep them around 27°C,70% humidity.I have 5(the big ones) in one terra and 5 in an other one.

I am really looking forward to seeing them as adult!

Thanks again!

Hey Nikko,

Have your metallyticus violaceus reached adult yet? I have a subadult pair that I'm hoping will get there soon. I'm hoping to mate them and get some ooths a popin

Hey Mr Mantid!

I have one subadult and 4 susub left!they grow slowly.

I wish I could get some oothes too!

I will keep you informed! :)

A few things that I have noticed is that they seem to be skiddish around prey and lack an appetite. Only one of my metals has eaten a housefly since I have recieved it, but I think today I will try to feed them again.

These guys just wont eat! One of them just molted so I'm assuming that is the reason. The other one which is the female has not eaten at all since it arrived Tuesday. I wonder if she will soon molt or if a low appetite is common for this species.

yes they are hard to catch while eating.But they do.I think yours could catch small houseflies.They are just amazing to watch when they hunt.They flip and turn 180° to 360° very quickly and then run towards their prey to catch it!They also are able to move between walls,hard to explain but you have to see this!!

But it is a difficult species to me,I had many lethal mismolts.

By the way where are all the Metallyticus breeders?Some more accurate infos would be welcome!! :)

yes they are hard to catch while eating.But they do.I think yours could catch small houseflies.They are just amazing to watch when they hunt.They flip and turn 180° to 360° very quickly and then run towards their prey to catch it!They also are able to move between walls,hard to explain but you have to see this!!

But it is a difficult species to me,I had many lethal mismolts.

By the way where are all the Metallyticus breeders?Some more accurate infos would be welcome!! :)
I do not know of any metallyticus breeders, I got mine from frey and she got hers from someone else. I am hoping that my only sub-adult pair can live long enough to produce some ooths so I can be one of those metallyticus breeders. I've had them for a week and only witnessed one of the mantises eating. Is there a trick? Do they eat at night or something? I've only been feeding them flies, Is there something else that they would rather prefer?

Ugg... Just had a very commical experience. I would not recommend handling these guys because they will crawl all over your body! :blink:


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