I will be heading out on a week long collecting trip late in July. If there is anything that anyone wants to trade for that I might come across, please let me know and I will see what I can do.
I will be getting pacimachus and circus beetles. Hopefully Mormon Crickets. A small chance of large centipedes. I will be on the look out for wheel bugs, but unless I get tons they are not available.
Western Black Widows, daddy long legs, large wolf spiders, burrowing wolf spiders.
Possibly some ground mantids.
I assume I am going to get squat. But just let me know what to keep an eye out for, in case.
I will be getting pacimachus and circus beetles. Hopefully Mormon Crickets. A small chance of large centipedes. I will be on the look out for wheel bugs, but unless I get tons they are not available.
Western Black Widows, daddy long legs, large wolf spiders, burrowing wolf spiders.
Possibly some ground mantids.
I assume I am going to get squat. But just let me know what to keep an eye out for, in case.