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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2011
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Sorry.. :D i know this isn't a mantis but i just got it and thought its nice

Btw (just curious) do you guys throw these things away or keep them? When i kept mantids last time i used to put them in little vials to be stowed away in a drawer, one vial = one mantis i managed to raise and release

Lol but i know if evryone on this forum kept them, there could be more vials than there are ppl in China or something

I've seen some neat photos showing all the exuvia from a single mantis or other insect through its instars. It is interesting to see them lined up from smallest to largest. I do not collect these, but I do find it very interesting to look at for a few moments and especially to note the tubes they use for breathing. These are often retained perfectly in the exuvium and appear as small white threads of surprising length.

wow i'll be sure to dig up some of my larger ones to check for those threads. guess i never examined exuvia in enough detail.. is there one thread for every spiracle? Btw this is the newly graduated owner (seems to prefer paper towels to sticks), admittedly she's kind of special because she's my 1st one in a really long time. Four moults already but still worried ill muck things up somehow..


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As long as you have warm temps where you are at I think you will be fine. I had mine during winter and the indoor temps were probably too cool for it so mine all died. :eek:

As long as you have warm temps where you are at I think you will be fine. I had mine during winter and the indoor temps were probably too cool for it so mine all died. :eek:
So sorry to hear about your loss..! I'm lucky though, my country has only two seasons: Hot & Wet and Hot & Very Wet B) . Oddly however, something I learnt the hard way is that even tropical species like Odontomantis have no tolerance for constant high humidity, I overmisted my first-ever mantid's tank (thought it might make shedding easier) and it excreted black liquid and perished in two weeks

I do not collect these, but I do find it very interesting to look at for a few moments and especially to note the tubes they use for breathing. These are often retained perfectly in the exuvium and appear as small white threads of surprising length.
So that's what those strings are! Thanks!


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