molting with blood scabs


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hello! I have a subadult who barely made her last molt. She somehow fell right after her molt. She bled with green blood all over and has scabs. Now she is ready to molt again. I am trying to get the scabs off, but I can't get them all. Will the blood scabs get stuck? I am afraid to use water or anything that my also get her stuck. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you!

I wouldn't touch the scabs. Hopefully her exoskeleton will have formed properly beneath them. Picking at them could reopen them and the last thing a mantis needs before shedding is to loose a bunch of fluid.

You should have left the scabs alone! There will be a new skin underneath but you picking at it could be the destruction of it. Stop now and hope she molts ok.

Oh no! She is not bleeding from me picking at them, and I was extremely gentle, but now I am more worried! It is scary because she was so fat. Now she is skinny. She would not eat for a week. I forced a little water a couple days ago, because she had a piece of poop hard and stuck in her rear. I figured she needed some water.

I really wish I knew their physiology. I believe is ready to molt soon because her wing buds are sticking out and her front raptors are spread out.

Is that right?

Could be, try giving her honey, and the water too. But leave her in peace, spray her habitat alittle to raise the humidity once a day, and keep an eye on her. No doubt she will molt when you arent looking!
