Move went off without a hitch ... just the way I like it!


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
After looking like a molt was imminent for what seemed like "forever", Tannenbaum molted. Ecdysis occurred without a hitch this time. (Last time, Tannenbaum had a bad molt and I was concerned as whether it would survive to molt again ... and do so successfully if it did.) It was also time to step it up into a larger enclosure, IMO. So first order of business was to extract the bugger from its silk tube.


And of course there was the obligatory short stroll as we went from the old to new estate.


Upon entering its new enclosure, it headed straight for the bark "tube" I had set up for it. Gotta love it when a plan comes together.


Move went off without a hitch.


What species is Tannenbaum? It is beautiful spiders like this one that make me actually consider getting a T!

Maybe after I move countless mantids and other bugs to my new home, I will have to get one. lol

Thanks, Ismart.

UniM, Tannenbaum is an Avicularia versicolor.

We've got a girl versi a few molts past Tannenbaum. The name makes sense with such a colorful spider. And so pretty after a molt! I was hoping your post was about a successful breeding because our girl needs a mate. I had an A. purpurea last year that suffered a terminally bad mismolt.

Very nice tank upgrade!

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Alas, Peter, even if Tannenbaum turns out to be female, a childless life is its destiny --- I would not have the space to keep all the babies! My orchids and other plants take up most of the available space.

Stunning color on that spider! :D Teal/Green (it's my favorite colors)
