If you are looking to culture them, put the pupae in a 5 gallon bucket, get a panty hose and wrap it to the top of the bucket. Cut one of the legs to a little nub, and tie a knot on it tightly, cut the other leg so its like a sleeve. This is your entry point to do maintenance on your culture. Twist this sleeve and use a clothes clip to keep it shut. This works better than tying a loose knot. Put a bungee chord around the edge of the bucket where the panty hose it, this prevents it from comng off the nucket when u r doing maintenance, therefore u wont lose flies. In the bucket put the container with the pupae mixed with wood chips, another container with either water crystals or water and wood chips. The chips prevent the flies from drowning. and another container with the pollen mix ( yens blend is great sold by rebecca at mantisplace.com ), or the honey. This is food for the flies. Now for the egg laying medium. They want something kind f stinky. There are two methods that i have heard of, one is using sour milk and soaking a rag in it. Keep it in for 12 to 18 hours, then remove and put in a jar to incubate. The maggots will hatch in 24 hours and eat the sour milk. You might have to spray the cultures to keep consistent moisture, but not too much! Or it will kill them. Eventuall the maggots will start rising to the top and harden into pupae, take them out and put them in another cntainer with flour and wood chops. The flour is to remove the excess moisture, at this point u can either sell the pupae, or let them hatch to replace deaths in the breeding colony. Rinse and repeat. The othe culture medium i heard is to mix dry dog food with a little bit of water, nuke it and mix it so it has a mushy but dry consistency, not too moist, put that in the cintainer, and the flies will lay eggs in it. This is less smelly than sour milk. U can put the dog food in a culTure container, so when u take it out of the fly colony, all u gotta do is add some excelsior or cardboard, and the lid, and the culture is ready to incubate.