my ghost has been adult for 3 weeks now


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okay :) i'll feed her up now.

she better not bite his head off! i've got another female that needs mating next week.

She should be ready. I find that darkness seems to help. I try to put them together and mounted at dusk before the light fades. The frequency of 'S' bending and connection attempts is higher in the dark. I've been using a room with a skylight so there is a more natural fading of the light, but have done the same by using light from an adjacent room and progressively closing the door.

This is probably overboard for what is needed, but I have seen the female ghosts 'calling' at dawn. And they stop calling rather abruptly when the lights go on or daylight is coming through the skylight. Two of them have also consistenly laid ooths in the morning, once there's light or daylight. So I think ghosts in general are very sensitve to the ambient lighting.

ah okay :) thanks for the info.

i didn't have time to mate them this morning because of college so im gonna try in an hour or so when i get home.

this may be a stupid question but, if i mate them in a net cage will he get his head bit off because he can't fly off?

ah okay :) thanks for the info.i didn't have time to mate them this morning because of college so im gonna try in an hour or so when i get home.

this may be a stupid question but, if i mate them in a net cage will he get his head bit off because he can't fly off?
Probably depends on the size of the net cage, and any cage will increase the chance of getting your male eaten. This is the main reason why I use a room if it is available...especially if I only have 1 adult male like I do right now.

Just try again a bit later.

I my male's don't want to mate, I simply wait 1 day and then try again.



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