my male is almost dead so i put him in the freezer


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macro junkie

Dead Leaf Mantis
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
he wasnt good,for 3 days now he cant climb on stuff right..keeps falling off..if he climbs on my hand and i turn my hand upside down he will just fall off..The male has been adult for about 3 months....My Q is how long does an adult Hierodula solomonis male live for?does thats sound about right 3 months?he didnt look well./looked tired and after me seeing him for 3 days like this i thought it best to put him in the freezer..So heres some of pics i took of him..he done what he was ment to do which was mating with my female..i was hoping for him to mate again in the next week or so but no such luck..He was a great of the best i have ever had..great and flying and looked stunning. R.I.P jade.






I keep my faves on life support. They'll be down to half a leg and one forearm, all brown and crispy and there I am feeding them with forceps and singing "You Are My Sunshine."

he wasnt good,for 3 days now he cant climb on stuff right..keeps falling off..if he climbs on my hand and i turn my hand upside down he will just fall off..The male has been adult for about 3 months....My Q is how long does an adult Hierodula solomonis male live for?does thats sound about right 3 months?he didnt look well./looked tired and after me seeing him for 3 days like this i thought it best to put him in the freezer..So heres some of pics i took of him..he done what he was ment to do which was mating with my female..i was hoping for him to mate again in the next week or so but no such luck..He was a great of the best i have ever had..great and flying and looked stunning. R.I.P jade.




No idea on life span but you probably did the kindest thing. In the wild it would have been eaten as soon as it became weak. Sorry for your loss!

I keep my faves on life support. They'll be down to half a leg and one forearm, all brown and crispy and there I am feeding them with forceps and singing "You Are My Sunshine."
:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :p

who does? when i have a favored bug, usually females, that still get about, seem to enjoy basking and lustily strike and eat - i will take them out daily, feed them and it's all good. once they're disinterested in food or fall about, i put them down.

didn't mean to sound cavalier. i'm sorry for your loss.

I hate it when the fron half dies leaving the back half with legs to wander :blink:

Whenever my mantids are on the brink of death, their anntenai seem to face opposite directions(one forward, and one backward). Does anyone else notice this.


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