My male praying mantis is barely eating?


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Mar 27, 2013
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I just got him and he seems to not eat much. He's only eaten the head of a cricket and when I put a cricket around him he seems interested but never strikes. Is the cricket too big?

Adult males rarely have any appetite, well at least not an appetite for food if you catch my drift ;)

Is it an adult?

What species? I've learned recently that some are more picky than others. I have a dessicata that only wants moths and butterfly's and lady bugs.

Adult males don't need that much food to keep themselves in peak condition. I often find myself feeding mine every 2-3 days versus my adult females who would be more than happy to pig out every day. Males also tend to be more timid about going after prey so smaller is often better than larger if you are unsure about the right size for the prey items. Some males can also be especially shy about going after prey when their is the commotion of a human around their enclosure so I often drop in the meal than back up and give it a half hour before removing it if uneaten.


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