My mantid laid an ooth...right on the joint of the tank. Tips?


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Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
So, I've been keeping an M.religiosa female I caught at work in a 10 gallon tank.

Specifically, a tank with a sliding screen top.

She laid the ooth so that it is about half on the screen border, and half on the edge of the tank.

Give it a couple days to dry out completely, then with warm water give it a spray or two, then use a razor blade to gently slide it off the tank and screen... (more of a peeling motion)

K, I'll give it a few days. I'll have to get a plastic bag or something to glue it to..

Not a plastic bag...the hot glue you use will also melt the bag....glue it to a stick ;) or tie a string to it, but I prefer the earlier... (a little glue goes a long way)

Idk y but all my euros that I have caught have laid their ooths on corners and angular areas. Good luck getting it off. ;)

Got it off..I ruptured it slightly at the base, but I'm going to hope it's still mostly good.

I hot glued it to a piece of papertowel, and I'm going to be storing it inside a glass jar (inside a brown paper bag) outside.
