My mantis turned pink... Why??


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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2016
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My giant Asian mantis molted a few days ago. I actually caught her in the act and watched it happen, which was neat, and she came out a lovely greenish tan with brown legs. I've heard this species can change color between molts, so this didn't worry me one bit...

...except that was several days ago, and today she's pink. Is pink a possible color that H. membranacea can show, or is this a sign of a health problem? I recently fed her a housefly as well as a cricket that was from a store I usually don't shop at, so I'm very paranoid right now.

I've read somewhere on here that crickets fed on carrots can cause mantis deaths, unsure about colour changes though. Does she seem fine otherwise?


The crickets have just been eating green gut loading blocks (intended for reptiles, though), and other crickets, of course. My mantis isn't showing anything else yet, but she's only been pink for a few hours.

@GingerC My Hierodula Membranacea did have a pink phase for a little while. Once he molted to adult he turned a dark purpleish color, I can still see hints of pink in the sunlight though, he's beautiful. 


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