My new bengal kitten (TCFW)


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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
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Warning: too cute for words!

Got this little snow spotted girl... I've been wanting a bengal for so long now.


Oh... :eek: I want to pet her!!!! She's really cute, Acerbity. I've always thought that light snowshoe pattern is lovely. ;) Darn, will have to make due with this big orange and white tub-a-lovins on my lap! :rolleyes: :p

Been wanting one of those. Want a savanah cat too.

Oh my god! She is soooo cute!!! I love her!!! :D I want one so bad!! I already have two big old cats so I have to wait to get one :angry: How much did you pay for her if you dont mind me asking? I know that they can be pricey!!

I got her for $100. A local breeder fell ill and a friend was selling them off so she could get the breeders spayed /neutered.

I'd been planning to get one in the future but this was too good to pass up, seeing as they can go for $1,000



My other cat is pretty bad with people, it even put one of my past roommates in the hospital for 3 days.

That being said a kitten's energy level is so relentless that he can't always put up a strong front and eventually softens up.

My other cat is pretty bad with people, it even put one of my past roommates in the hospital for 3 days.That being said a kitten's energy level is so relentless that he can't always put up a strong front and eventually softens up.
:eek: Omg... :huh: ! If you don't mind, may I ask what exactly happened to cause your past roommate to be put in the hospital... and for 3 days no less!? Very curious!

You made out on that deal. Is she an F1? Thats the most expensive ones that usually go for 1K and up.

F1 cat's are only one generation from Asian Leopard, those require diets of raw meat and permits I believe.

Pretty much all Bengals are F4, it's just the breeder and the actual coat that ups the price.

F1 cat's are only one generation from Asian Leopard, those require diets of raw meat and permits I believe.Pretty much all Bengals are F4, it's just the breeder and the actual coat that ups the price.
No not true. When I was looking into them the breeder I almost purchased from had F1's. The care was really no different. They were the most expensive ones though.

She is too cute. I've never been here before I mostly just look up mantid things. I have wanted a Sphinx and Cornish Rex for over 20 years. I have 2 cats that are 14 and almost 15 years old and don't care for new cats so I'm not looking for new ones until there are gone. Not that I want them to hurry though. A few months ago I found a Sphinx breeder in my city and she told me she could use help once in a while so I'm getting to know her. Other then all the mantids and 2 cats I have a 5 year old English Mastiff, 1 rabbit, 2 desert tortoises, 1 Yellow naped Amazom parrot, 2 rats and a 15 1/2 year old Pot Belly pig. I'll have to check this part of the site more often.

She is too cute. I've never been here before I mostly just look up mantid things. I have wanted a Sphinx and Cornish Rex for over 20 years. I have 2 cats that are 14 and almost 15 years old and don't care for new cats so I'm not looking for new ones until there are gone. Not that I want them to hurry though. A few months ago I found a Sphinx breeder in my city and she told me she could use help once in a while so I'm getting to know her. Other then all the mantids and 2 cats I have a 5 year old English Mastiff, 1 rabbit, 2 desert tortoises, 1 Yellow naped Amazom parrot, 2 rats and a 15 1/2 year old Pot Belly pig. I'll have to check this part of the site more often.
I've never been too interested in those breeds, though I made a friend that has an Abyssinian - full grown that thing is the size of a 6 month old kitten... Bonsai Kitty!!!

F1 cat's are only one generation from Asian Leopard, those require diets of raw meat and permits I believe.Pretty much all Bengals are F4, it's just the breeder and the actual coat that ups the price.
Just for clarity, Bengals are produced with the Asian leopard cat...not the Asian leopard. There is a pretty big difference.

Asian Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis) to photo


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