My two Chinese Mantises


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Active member
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Hi everyone!
I feel like I ask a lot of questions on the Health Issues forum. So, I'm going to post something on the more positive side.
These photos are of my male, Wynfir. He's the first mantis I've successfully raised form a hatchling. He's such a trooper, he's been through a lot in his life, and he looks a little bedraggled, but he's still my silly, sweet little weirdling!


And then I have my female Tinu who I found outside as a nymph. She is such a delight to have, she likes to climb on my nose and enthusiastically run towards her food!


At one point I was considering breeding the two but because of Wynfir's crumpled wings and bent legs, I decided not to because I worry that, should the worst happen and Tinu tries to eat him, he would not be able to get away in time. Either way, they make great pets and friends and I am definitely considering keeping mantises next year!
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Hi everyone!
I feel like I ask a lot of questions on the Health Issues forum. So, I'm going to post something on the more positive side.
These photos are of my male, Wynfir. He's the first mantis I've successfully raised form a hatchling. He's such a trooper, he's been through a lot in his life, and he looks a little bedraggled, but he's still my silly, sweet little weirdling!
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And then I have my female Tinu who I found outside as a nymph. She is such a delight to have, she likes to climb on my nose and enthusiastically run towards her food!
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At one point I was considering breeding the two but because of Wynfir's crumpled wings and bent legs, I decided not to because I worry that, should the worst happen and Tinu tries to eat him, he would not be able to get away in time. Either way, they make great pets and friends and I am definitely considering keeping mantises next year!
Nice work!