My wahli's


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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2011
Reaction score
Louisville, KY


Accidentally caught her foot between the sponge and the enclosure she was mad! Is it a she?

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It looks like it won't molt tonight, though it will within the next week. The day of the molt, the colors will become mixed and blurry, sort of like watching a 3-D movie without glasses.

Very nice pics for a iPhone...I really like the turtle shell (Gamera) look on the subadult. Yep her wingbuds are mucho-mungo!

Yeah I wrote in one of the posts, I accidentally caught her foot between the feeding hole and sponge. She was mad!!! And she kept them open for quite a while.

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No the first two pictures are the same wahli.

Only adult I have.

Agent A, 3 of these are being shipped to your buddy Axlotl today. The 4th is going to molt any second.

A nice job of rearing them will get you where you are going. Make sure of the humidity and a temp on the warmish side of 80 would not hurt.

I have a bug room here. It is always 80-83 in there with humidifier. I keep things pretty dern humid! Sometimes I worry it's too humid.So I guess they were pretty happy. I thought they were super easy. And super duper friendly! Great personalities they climb right up and want to see who you are and what's going on. But also great, great hunters! Get up and snatch those BB's!!!

Half of them shipped out this morning.

Half are waiting to molt.

I am concerned about the weather and shipping lately I might start a thread about it.

Oh also I did not mist these as much as I mist everything else. Tammy had told me they are prone to fungus and to mist twice a day and that's what I did pretty much.

Really enjoyed these guys.

A nice job of rearing them will get you where you are going. Make sure of the humidity and a temp on the warmish side of 80 would not hurt.
Huh? Where am I going? Sometimes I'm thick.
