thanks guys , all pics where taking using a nokia n97 phone lol :huh: , an congo nymphs have a sweet tooth that lil nymphs 1st feed was chocolate lol must be a female :lol:
Chocolate? :lol: At first I wondered why our mantids are always bending down and nibbling on my daughters fingers. She is always getting into the sweeties. I have to send her back to the sink to wash up a couple of times, at 4 she thinks that if her hands are wet, they are clean.
I sometimes put honey on "new scary prey", if they are afraid of it. At first my mantids wouldn't touch crickets, even if I tried to hand them to the mantids. A little taste of honey helped to introduce the new food. It is probably not good for them, but they sure do like it. I also like to eat foods that are not good for me. :lol:
ill have to try that with my peacock mantis i dangle waxworms ,crickets + baby locus in his face and isnt having any of it , talk about a fussy eater hes as thin a paper right now hes evn starting to bend downwards instead of up so hopefully it eats soon