Need information/bad molt


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New member
Feb 24, 2012
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Hello everyone!

I have a sub adult female budwing mantis. This mantis was given to me so my only guess is that it is on its 3-2 last molt (nothing looking like wing buds yet!). I unfortunately was not around when she molted and she slipped and fell to the bottom of her container and hardened in a twisted and contorted fashion. I have been helping her along; she cannot hunt, but remains spunky and full of energy despite how pathetic she looks. What I came here to ask really is when she may have her next molt, I believe she molted last on May 3rd. I am hopeful to pin her up and catch her in the process of molting so that she may harden correctly. This may be a long shot but the poor thing is such a fighter I cant let her go. To put it in perspective, she is contorted about 45 degrees on her thorax and cannot use her raptorial front legs or her back. It's a pretty awful situation, any info is greatly appreciated, wish me luck and I will do my best to update her outcome, she is doing great all things considered so far. Thanks guys! :)

She can eat but she cannot successfully hang upside down on her own as none of her legs are really in working condition. I will have to find a way to pin her up :(

Sorry to say this but it is probably too late... sounds like it is in pretty bad shape and if it cannot even hang upside down it will likely get stuck during the next molt even if you do pin it. I would say try it since the mantis means a lot to you but brace for the worst. :(


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