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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
St. Louis, Missouri

T. elegans. I love them already. Got 5 of them to raise.

Oh yeah nassssss T Lil bugs lol , I have T .Elegans in my stock now and if I were you I would sex them yesterday if you know what I mean get the males outttttt fast the gals have an extra molt there difficult to slow down the males they usually turn adult way before there sisters do but you can try your best it does work unfortunately not well though :( ( , I usually keep stock from my 1st ooth and 3rd ooth so males molt after females I have another fresh ooth about 2 weeks into incubation :) I think my males if I sex some at L2 you will be ok I don't mind I will have plenty :) but still get your males out and separate keep them cool and gals warm fed , keep a Heidi fruit fly culture in the net cage with them :) so there always fed ;) you say there tiny pic looks big lol so not sure what Instar they are ? :( , lots of fake plants in there cuz the gals will munch ea other if they get a hunger moment lol you'll notice they pick a spot and always stay there :) and females are bigger then most creo sp nebulousa are the biggest creo female Elegans are a Lil bigger and much fatter , but male Elegans lol are peanuts way smaller then creos its like male n female orchids that's how much difference there is lol and meannnnnn breeders with 5 I wish u luck make sure your there when u breed don't let the poor guys get to close or its a wrap lol

Best of LUCK let me know if you need help sexing you can email me

[email protected]

Christopher :)

There's not enough punctuation in there for me to understand the entire thing, but these guys are L2 and about the size of eyelash hairs. I think that the one in the picture is male, but I could be wrong.

This makes me want to go smaller instead of bigger. I think it would be cool to raise a sp that has a sweet spot size-wise where all you would need are fruit flies and maybe hydei.

This makes me want to go smaller instead of bigger. I think it would be cool to raise a sp that has a sweet spot size-wise where all you would need are fruit flies and maybe hydei.
Ya small SP always look cool ... Is u have a macro Lens u can see them nice and clear . Yes some Small SP can take FF's to Hydei to Adult ....
