New Addition.


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Tenodera sinensis (the one and only)
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Virden,Illinois. (217)
Hello Community.

Just wanted to take the time out and show off one of my new additions to my mantis family. Recently I had made a purchase from Forum User: Aryia

As I'm more steered towards the larger species of mantids, I decided to go with the Hierodula Xishaensis or more commonly called the " Giant Asian Mantis. " It's a L5/6 female ( instar in question. ) that I've decided to name " Delta."

Here's a photo of the new addition, I'll try to get a couple better ones later on.


Congrats on getting a new girl :D I've read a bit on her species before and they seem to become rather tamed. So I hope she turns out to be a special pet for you.

I love them! The H multispinas seem to have dissapeared so I will keep these. They are very smart, always looking around. My elder is really hanging on to life. Wonderful specie.

I've also noticed how much she watches from inside its enclosure, like a little creeper. Her personality is something else, during feeding she's incredibly fierce. Yet outside her cage she's incredibly tame and will move from hand to hand when I choose. Its pretty cool.

She also got her first honey treat today, needless to say she absolutely loved it! :D

Will you breed her? If so, guard your male well! They are highly cannibalistic! One girl ate the male, then another ate her sister that ate the male! What a bunch.

I may breed her further down the road, I'm still unsure. Really depends on if I can get a male around that time.. But if I can, I definitely will and more than likely will post here for the community. Assuming any members would be interested in the species.

I'm thinking if her life allows it, I will breed her... It really depends on two major factors:

1. She make it throughout her instars, and make the final molt to adulthood.

2. I can get my hands on a ready to breed male at that time ( though I'm sure someone here will have atleast one... With any luck anyway.)

So, Sticky.... Come later down the road id keep you posted if interested and if Delta makes that final step. I'm sure whether or not she makes the final molt will be posted on the forum.

Now you mentioned new additions... ( s ) Yet you only share a photo of 1 mantis... she is beautiful... I may add.... but it does not constitute the use of the -s-

So do you plan on sharing more pictures of other mantis addition s ? or must we just be satisfied with the 1 you are sharing? and ask you... why you tease?

that's all yee get!...

lol kidding, just been busy with work and the family to hook up the PC. I also received a " Giant African Mantis " from my good friend Mantidbro, whom made a trade with Peter Clausen for the mantis.

They both arrived not long between each other.

Also received two ghosts that I'm trying to identify their sexes from Rebecca. They arrived a few weeks back but I never got around to updates.

We are watching you... hehe :ninja:

You can't make statements with out backing them up! (some of us don't have lives) :blush:

I have something interesting to tell you. Of the females I raised, they are the same age, but there was a huge gap between the final adult molts.

The one in the picture below, Patty, molted to adulthood June 4. The one in my avater, Ghost, molted late July or early August.

Patty is practically falling apart but Ghost is as fresh as a daisy.IMG_20141210_130152_hdr.jpg
