New at mantids: trying to breed my Tenodera sinensis


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New member
Nov 2, 2008
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Like the title says. I've had 5 chinese mantises for a couple months now and I keep them for a collection at my university. I assume they're die off soon and i'd like to keep them going for as long as possible. I also think having a display of ooths would be cool. I know nothing about breeding. How is it done? Is there a time span that it must be done? I have searched, but not found much detailing the process. If there's somewhere you'd like me to look besides asking silly questions, just post the link. Thanks!

Females are ready to start being bred around a month into their adulthood. There's some debate, but the consensus I've seen is to introduce the male into the female's cage. feed the female copiously beforehand to try and avoid cannibalization. In fact, it's best to try and time it so the female is busy eating while introducing the male. The male should hop onto the female's back and will eventually curve its abdomen down to meet with the female's. Once they're done it's best to seperate them as soon as possible, especially with a species as highly cannibalistic as Tenodera sinesis. You can try and seperate them again if the female gets violent and won't let the male on her back using tongs, but chances are still high she'll kill and eat the male.


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