New FF media question


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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
Plevna, MT
Alright, I made FF media and it was successful, and I now have tons of pupae again. When they all hatch, I just want to keep them alive, not necessarily breed them. Is there anything I can give adults to keep them healthy without making them lay eggs? My smallest mantis is outgrowing them, he can easily eat 6 or 7 at a sitting, but he still loves them more than anything else =P Thanks!


Not that I know of, u might as well make a culture every two weeks, what could it hurt? ps they only live 10 days to a month depending on the species, so nothing will last longer than that, so the only way is to reculture.

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Not that I know of, u might as well make a culture every two weeks, what could it hurt? ps they only live 10 days to a month depending on the species, so nothing will last longer than that, so the only way is to reculture.
Yeah, I agree with this. You can set up ff with milk powder and a wet sponge for moisture and then find one morning that they have all died. It's easier to keep them in culture. Besides, they can't read, and don't have T.V. so what are they going to do all day if they can't fool around? :D

I find that if you use a lot you will need to make a culture like Rebecca said about every two weeks to ensure a constant supply. I found that if a culture is drying out but there are still maggots in there you can add a little water and get some more flies from it.


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