New member from Canada


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New member
Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
QC, Canada
Hi Everyone!

New member of the forum, just registered!

A while ago (almost 10 years now), I was in Europe, breeding phasmids and mantids. I had a whole bunch… some Phyllium (at that time, there were much less species kept in cativity), Lopaphus, Aretaon, Raphiderus…. As mantids, I was keeping mainly Hymenopus, Phyllocrania and Gongylus.

Then, in 2008, I moved to Canada. Slowly, this hobby can back to me, and I now want to keep mantids and phasmids again. Mainly, I missed my gongylus, they were my favourites.

I am having troubles understanding the laws here, and how they apply. Looking on the web, it seems that in Canada, everything is illegal... But how does that apply exactly? Is there a lot of people keeping them, just not screaming it in the streets… and everything’s ok, or… it is like some kind of underground activity ? Have you ever heard of someone having trouble with this here in Canada?

In several country of Western Europe, it is neither legal nor illegal. In other word, no problem keeping these as pets.

Thanks a lot everyone!

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Hello and welcome to the forum
Can't comment on Canadian laws, but I imagine someone can help

Hello, I am almost Canadian in many ways, but can't specifically speak to Canadian laws. I live in Maine, USA, bordering 2 Canadian provinces, and the laws here are horrible as far as keeping pets. Basically everything is illegal unless it's on a specific list. Green iguanas, illegal. Red ear slider turtles, illegal. Koi fish, illegal. Dubia roaches, illegal. Tarantulas, illegal. The list goes on.

That being said, many, many people keep them, no real issues. I would advise just be a responsible hobbyist, don't release anything or advertise to the world what you have, and you should be fine.

You may also be able to get a permit, not sure how that works in Canada, but here it is a lot of paperwork, more expensive than it should be, but people do it successfully.


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