with a humidity gauge which right now reads 100% hum., I may go ahead and bring that humidity down a bit it was holding at 60% when I awoke just a few minutes ago to find she still did not molt yet. Average temp should be around 78-82 degrees humidity 72-80 or so %, ball park, right, for a good molt for my Giant Asian?If there is too much moisture whe will molt but will have a difficult time drying out. If too little moisture she will not be able to free herself, am I on point. And I make it a point to stay away from the tank when possible when I check on her I don't go slammiing my face all up in the tank and things so as not to freak her out. :blink:
I just gotta know I did all I was supposed to do and the rest is up to her. Someone please respond asap!!!