New to mantis can any be raised with out fruit flies


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Apr 4, 2016
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
So I would love to get into mantis. My biggest obstacle is my wife hates fruit flies with a passion and on the few occasions I have used them in the house she was very unhappy. She does like mantis though so I'm lucky there.

As far as feeders I raise many kinds of roaches including small ones like lateralis, lil Kenyan, red headed, etc and mini meal worms.

What I am looking for is a list of species that will fall into one of two groups.

1. Species whos nymphs can be raised communally until they are big enough to take roaches. Think big bin of nymphs I can place a fruit fly cup in and close the lid to ensure no escapes.

2 Species whos nymphs are able to be raised on roaches from the start.

I have done a little research and I'm thinking ghosts maybe a good option since they can be a little communal. Would they take roaches though?

Are you using wild (flying) or flightless fruitflies? With the flying ones there is just no way to not have escapees but with the flightless they are never going to be able to crawl far enough to cause any issues (or at least they can't at my house).

I am not an expert but given a big enough tank I think most nymphs can be kept communally for the first few molts. There is always risk to this but that's the balancing act you're trying to figure out. If you are hatching your own ooths its usually a reasonable idea to let them thin out the ranks a bit as it leaves you with stronger nymphs in the end anyway.

Thanks I was kinda hopeing that was the case of big enclosure and ample food there wouldn't be to many loses.

As far as the fruit flies I live in texas and they are abundant naturally here and even the flightless ones jump or glide and just get everywhere. Also they will breed with the native ones and then they are no longer flightless. Over all just to much hassle.

Maybe the better question for me to be asking is which species need fruit flies and that's the only option. That way I can avoid those species for now.

Violins and Ghosts are popular communal mantis. They start pretty small though.
