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Aug 31, 2010
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Hi everyone. I've always loved insects and have enjoyed raising caterpillars and ladybirds with my daughters. Last Spring on a whim, I thought it would be fun to hatch some praying mantises. I ordered the kit (including habitat and instructions) from Insectlore, but they were out of oothecas at the time. So, I took the caterpillars they offered me instead and went on e-bay. I found 3 chinese mantis oothecas on e-bay. I gave two to friends who were interested in them as well. I couldn't believe it when they hatched!!! There were so many!!! The ones I gave away hatched, too.

At first I released all but 6. Another friend came and got 2 of the nymphs and let them go in her garden. I had 4 and fed them fruit flies. One morning there were only 3, so figured that was time to narrow it down to one pet praying mantis. The one I kept (I think it is a male) has made it to adulthood quite successfully and I just adore it!!! His/her name is "Fluffy", although it's full name is "Tuffy Ellie Precious Fluffy". We have had more fun with this beautiful insect!

I'm glad to find this forum as I am new to this hobby. Questions often arise and it's nice to have a place to go to ask them. Currently "Fluffy" has stopped eating for a couple days. It ate half a cricket (leaving the poor mangled thing alive) and caught a fly, tore it's wing off, then let it go. Someone told me this is fairly normal for a male to go through a couple days of not being very interested in food, so I'm hoping that's all it is!

At any rate, I know I'm going to continue with the mantis hobby. I'll be anxious to try other types of mantids in the future!
