Orchid Mantis?


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Jun 18, 2011
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Hello everyone! I just got my first mantis from the store, after reading up a lot on them. Loved them since I was a kid, so it was really exciting for me!

They had one left, and I was told it is an Orchid Mantis. And it's one very pretty mantis indeed. But for some reason, I am not sure if it is really an orchid mantis? I don't seem to find other pictures of orchid mantis with such a spikey behind! So I am in doubt about the specimen, but perhaps I doubt too much!

Here are some pictures:


Ah, my camera didn't want to focus nicely, haha.


The plant the critter is sitting on is fake. I do have some real ones in the terrarium, but he likes this one.

Apologies for my english! I am not a native speaker.

Thank you for your time!


Just as I posted this, my friend noted it surely looked like a Flower Mantis! So haha, that's awesome! The store owner didn't get informed too well, it seems. But it's alright, I'll just read up more on them and there we go!

This is Pseudocreobotra sp., not Orchid mantis ;)
Yeah, DEFINITELY a spiny flower mantis (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii). Orchids are Hymenopus coronatus. Just keep it really warm and humid and feed it regularly.

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Looks beautiful. I love the wingbuds. You should be having an adult soon by the colors showing in the buds. I wish we could get some of these going more in the US.
