These are my first mantids! I got 5 of them yesterday from Jude and gave 2 to Axolotlsarecooltoo. They all arrived in good condition, and one even molted during shipping. Here are 2 out of the 3 that i kept.
This one molted last night and unfortunately her(?) wings got messed up somehow
I went to bed when her wings were still inflating, then i woke up and they were like this
Here is the one that molted during shipping
The third one seems like its about to molt, i'll post some pictures later
This one molted last night and unfortunately her(?) wings got messed up somehow

I went to bed when her wings were still inflating, then i woke up and they were like this

Here is the one that molted during shipping

The third one seems like its about to molt, i'll post some pictures later
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