Phyllovates puking... Any help you can offer?


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
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I fed my Phyllovates chlorophaea a cricket... And the next day she is puking up black, smelly stuff. She can't eat without puking so I am now giving her only honey and water. I'm also keeping her out of the light and in the shade so she doesn't become stimulated or dehydrated. I'm trying to keep things calm. Does anyone know what else I could do? I truly truly should give up on feeding my mantids crickets, this seems to happen almost every time!

I wouldn't say give up on the crickets my friend. I know you've had crumby luck with the crickets, and in your shoes id probably think the same. Why don't you start logging down what species can eat what and who can't?

I mean if one specific species is eating out of the cricket bin and not getting ill while others are then theres more to it than just it being a case of diseased feeders. I'd suspect that the species getting ill should be put on a different diet than your others.

I wouldn't give up hope bro, continue to try with the water and honey... Maybe try to offer something small to try to feed her with, like a housefly. All we can do is try to comfort her and prey she pulls through, which I greatly hope for you she does!

I wish you and little miss " wet noodle " the best in recovering, and you already know I'm around if you need it MantidBro. All you gotta do is email

Do you have any other feeder insects such as blue bottle flies? If you do not then I would try to feed her some wild crickets or other wild insect or Parasteatoda like house spiders, but I do not know if in your area during the winter there are insects out.

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I wouldn't say give up on the crickets my friend. I know you've had crumby luck with the crickets, and in your shoes id probably think the same. Why don't you start logging down what species can eat what and who can't?

I mean if one specific species is eating out of the cricket bin and not getting ill while others are then theres more to it than just it being a case of diseased feeders. I'd suspect that the species getting ill should be put on a different diet than your others.

I wouldn't give up hope bro, continue to try with the water and honey... Maybe try to offer something small to try to feed her with, like a housefly. All we can do is try to comfort her and prey she pulls through, which I greatly hope for you she does!

I wish you and little miss " wet noodle " the best in recovering, and you already know I'm around if you need it MantidBro. All you gotta do is email
Yeah thats true, i could still feed Goliath and Dracula crickets. Im kind of uneasy even to do that cause i dont know if the next cricket might be infected and then Goliath or Dracula will die. I know deroplatys are supposed to eat flies. Phyllovates are said to be able to eat anything. Though in my experience, even some tenodera have died after eating crickets. Ive had these particulad crickets for like two weeks now. So i cant blame petco for vates puking. It has to be because one of the crickets like i said must have munched on one that had died and bad bacteria was injested and passed onto Vates. The dead ones are removed after i spot them but they are usually chewed on before i even do see them. The cricket container is pretty clean, or at least it looks it... Maybe because crickets have died in there, the dirt is bacteria ridden even after theyd been removed. Gonna clean out the whole cage like you said and provide fresh food and cricket quencher. Lets see how shes doing tonight! Gonna try feeding her a fly but if shes not feeling it ill just stick with the honey. And of course continue to provide water.

Haha, wet noodle

Thanks man, i dont doubt that i can rely on ya! haha

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Do you have any other feeder insects such as blue bottle flies? If you do not then I would try to feed her some wild crickets or other wild insect or Parasteatoda like house spiders, but I do not know if in your area during the winter there are insects out.
Yeah i have blue bottles, ive gotta stick to feeding her those instead of crickets. I thought shed be okay with crickets but i guess not. I thought itd be so cool to watch her eat it and now im really regretting it. Its really cold here now, all i can seem to find are ispods, and even those are starting to freeze up like icicles. Plus my mantids dont really like isopods, too much shell, not enough juicey insides.

I'm glad I could actually offer some advice that helped this time around, since she's stopped throwing up maybe now she's in the clear. Only time will tell my friend, just continue using those two tricks I use until she's back to normal. I hope that little noodle makes it! She is awfully cool.

and hey, if you have any spares.... I could use a few billbugs in that next care package, if possible. If you don't have them don't go out of the way and go out in the cold digging just to find them. Lol.

I'm glad I could actually offer some advice that helped this time around, since she's stopped throwing up maybe now she's in the clear. Only time will tell my friend, just continue using those two tricks I use until she's back to normal. I hope that little noodle makes it! She is awfully cool.

and hey, if you have any spares.... I could use a few billbugs in that next care package, if possible. If you don't have them don't go out of the way and go out in the cold digging just to find them. Lol.
Yeah puttin the honey on the maggot was a good idea! she ate it and is keeping it down so thats good. Im gonna continue with the honey for the antibiotic purposes, and of course keep the water going. Gonna try another maggot tomorrow and see if she still hasnt puked. :D seems like things are goin good though for sure! Yeah shes wicked cool, no doubt. Lol shes more than just a noodle, shes five noodles and a macaroni haha

Yeah i got pill bugs on the list, no worries bro. Ive got some already collected, fast isopods


how'd she hold up bro? Any progress?

Has she thrown up any today?
She ate more honey and another maggot today so i think she might be okay? no puke, not that i realized!

I'd keep a close eye on her just to be cautious, but I'm glad to hear she's recovering. Hopefully all will be back to normal within the next couple of days.

I'd keep a close eye on her just to be cautious, but I'm glad to hear she's recovering. Hopefully all will be back to normal within the next couple of days.
I am keepin a close eye on her, hard not to lol, im glad too! Hopefully man, hope full lllyyyyy
