My female just finished molting and I noticed that her abdomen was kinking pretty dramatically downwards as she was hanging from the mesh at the top of her enclosure (I wish I'd gotten a picture of it, but I was more concerned with her safety). I quickly but carefully coaxed her out and have her chilling right-side up on my forearm at the moment because I'm worried if if she goes upside-down before her exoskeleton hardens more that it'll happen again. She's pretty slim atm because she didn't eat much for the past 3-4 days, but seems fine otherwise. Any suggestions? Obviously I can't have her sitting on my arm for the entire day, though I gladly would if I could.
On a sidenote, I've been trying to identify her species but am having a bit of trouble. She has the vertical facial markings like a Chinese Mantis, but is nowhere near their size. Thoughts? Sorry, my phone camera isn't very good or I'd try to get better pictures.
On a sidenote, I've been trying to identify her species but am having a bit of trouble. She has the vertical facial markings like a Chinese Mantis, but is nowhere near their size. Thoughts? Sorry, my phone camera isn't very good or I'd try to get better pictures.