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Active member
Sep 7, 2009
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Pocatello, ID
Here are some pics of the girls I have been raising for about 3 weeks now. Are they pregnant?



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I believe they're mature enough to be preggers...or fat enough lol. Have you mated em?

Uggh double post sorry.

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were they already adult when you caught them?

if so then it is likely that they are pregnant. This is not, however, always the case. James and i caught a beautiful adult Tenodera australasiae female a while back. She laid me several ooths during her life, none of which were fertile. When we found her she looked very 'fresh'. im guessing she had only moulted to adult a day or two ago. Too bad, its a pretty species.

Of course. Pretty much all adult females are in the process of making eggs. She will lay an ooth soon.

I agree here. Find or buy a male or two. Otherwise you might take months to find out you've got nothing.
Not gonna hurt but it almost guaranteed a wild female has been mated.


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