Mantis Man13
Well-known member
I had an egg case full of Brunner's two years ago, yet when I tried to feed them they wouldn't eat fruit flies! They died. Then I got a few more, one of them finally eating! I found tiny crickets in my yard to feed her, since I didn't have anymore fruit flies, and it kept on living. Two weeks later she had a piece of feces stuck to the end of the abdomen, so I took the feces off. The next day I found her dead on the floor with another piece of feces stuck to her abdomen. What caused her death? I had her when I was more inexperienced, and so I kept her in one of these lunch meat containers that I emptied and washed, took the label off, poked holes into, put sticks for her to hang on, and a piece of Scott's towel paper on the bottom. Do you think there was not enough ventilation? I only put a hundred needle point sized holes on the top, after all. Please tell me what I did wrong.