Pseudoharpax virescens (Gambian Spotted-eye Flower Mantis)


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
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North Carolina
Pseudoharpax virescens (Gambian Spotted-eye Flower Mantis)

  • Scientific and common name
  • Physical description/appearance, i.e. size, color, shape, crypsis, etc.
  • Native range
  • Difficulty level: beginner, intermediate, advanced, or expert

The nymphs [L1] were tiny. The L1 nymphs are just a little bigger than D. hydei fruit flies.(happy1892)

  • Rate of growth and factors involved
  • Longevity
  • Molting observations

They [L1 nymphs] were quick and skittish, be careful about taking them out of there containers and putting them back in.(happy1892)

  • Degree of activity
  • Degree of aggression or timidity
  • Propensity to cannibalize
  • Dynamics of threat display
Captive Environment:

I have kept them at around 100 degrees.(happy1892)

This is a small species that doesn't require too big of a cage. L1-L4 nymphs can be housed together if given plenty of space. When younger, nymphs are very active and so larger cages are needed for them, but after L4, a 32oz deli cup will suffice for the rest of the life cycle. These guys like high heat, and temperatures lower than 80 are not very good for them. Humidity should only be in the 30% area, and weekly mistings may even be excessive.(agent A)

  • Temperature range and humidity levels
  • Type and size of enclosure(s) used.
  • Substrate or lack thereof
  • Cage furnishings, e.g. molting surfaces, perches, décor, plants, etc.
  • Communal housing if applicable

The L1 nymphs would eat Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies, but I had trouble later; they would not eat the Drosophila melanogaster. But when I gave them 0.5mm long spider babies they ate them.(happy1892)

The adult females would eat crickets and other insects bigger than themselves. The older nymphs eat very well too, and they ate big insects for there size. When I dropped food in front of them, they snatched it up very quickly as if they expected it(Chinese Mantids, Carolina Mantids, Blue Flash would take time to notice the prey in front of them before they grabbed them). My adult males did not eat viciously.(happy1892)

This is an aggressive eater that won't stop! L1 nymphs are small but sometimes handle hydei, though melanogasters are a better choice if you want them to live. At L2, hydei fruit flies can be given to them, and houseflies are taken at L4. These guys seem to be alright with roaches, though crickets may not be the best food for them. They do love flying food and no matter the instar, constant food should be offered. These guys shouldn't go long without eating, and even males eat viciously.(agent A)


Mine bred very fast. The mantids mated only a few days after molting to adult, and the first one of seven to molt to adult was a female. Then, one or two days after, a male molted to adult. I think two or so days (not sure) after the male molted, they mated, and soon after that (not sure how long), the female laid an ootheca(not sure if it hatched but I guess it did). They laid many oothecae. I kept them close together in separate 32oz containers. That might not have been good because mantis males can get desensitized by the pheromones of the female, but still the males(at least two but I do not remember another one) mounted the females without hesitating and they connected quickly and the females did not have much of a reaction except they tried to connect to. Remember I was keeping them at a high temperature.(happy1892)


A few nymphs hatched out of each ootheca everyday after they started hatching.(happy1892)

  • Physical description and average size. Picture desired; include with other pictures at bottom of Care Sheet.
  • Diapause if necessary
  • Incubation time and temperature
  • Observed number/s and range of hatching nymphs

  • Health Issues: infections or illnesses encountered.
  • Additional Observations: pertinent information which doesn't neatly fit anywhere else.
  • Photos: up to five may be posted at the bottom of the completed template. Please limit these photos to no more than one of an ootheca, two of nymphs(different instars), one of an adult female, and one of an adult male.
Contributors: agent A, happy1892, jamurfjr

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