Psychomantis malayensis


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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I have managed to get three females and one male of this incredible species fro Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. It is like a giant Acromantis, with the female being about 2.5" long. The pairs do a great little dance ritual, facing each other, with a lot of arm waving but the females are not the least bit aggressive and the male walks right up to the female, along side her and then jumps on her back!

Yesterday I got my first ootheca, which was a surprising 1.75" long. Today, the second female laid her first ootheca.


green mantis mating 1.jpg

Psychomantis ootheca.jpg

It is a great looking species. At first glance it resembles an Acromantis but it nothing like it when you look further. It is much bigger - 2.5". The ootheca are more like Theopropus. They act totally different - calm and easy to handle. And they mate in a relaxed and friendly manner.

Normally, I have to stand next to a mantis pair of other species to intercede in case of disagreements - or the female decides to eat the male! With these, I just lob them next to each other on a branch and leave them to it. I never seen any sign of aggression. The male always mounts the female but doesn't always copulate. Sometimes he seems to enoy the view from a higher elevation and the female never objects. Then they wave at each other an d wander off until they meet again..... Seriously!

I have Acromantis as well and they can be a pain. The ootheca are small and the adults fling themselves about like drug-crazed thugs.

Strange that they are called Psychomantis - this is the least Psycho mantis I have seen!

I can't say for sure as I got them as adults but judging from the way they react to each other and have made no attempt to attack I would guess they are far less cannabalistic than most. As I said above, this is the first species I simply put the male and female together and I then wander off. Normally, with other species I have to sit for hours with a stick ready to separate the warring partners! I have wasted many hours with the Ceratomantis, as the female is a nasty swine.

The closest in relaxed mode I have come across is Deroplatys dessicata - once I have checked that the male is confident I leave them alone. I have seen males push females out of the way when they have walked down the branches.

No, Psychomantis gets my vote for easiest so far!


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