Quest of searching Wild Mantids...


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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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North Borneo
On the near end of February or in the middle of March, I will be going to The tip of borneo (Kudat) again because it will be harvesting season and that means, the paddy plants will be ripe and ready to be harvest on the paddy fields and also, LOTS AND LOTS OF MANTIDS hang out on the Paddy fields, so I will find wild Mantis and Possibly a Deroplatys Desiccata because the other day when I caught a Tenodera fasciata and Hierodula species, I found a dead Desiccata with one back right leg gone near the woods of my aunt cottage and also I must find this Mantis that is small, Probably 5 cm only for the males with brown coloring and purple wings and a beautiful coloration under the forelegs similar to the Peacock Mantis Forelegs.

Can Anyone Identify that ? thnx a bunch...

And If I found many Hierodula species, Deroplatys Desiccata or Tenodera fasciata, Would anyone be interested In it, because I only need 2 of every each of them ;)

And wish me luck and I hope it will not be dead like the time when I was in Lumampau... :D

Pics of mantids In case someone does not know what it looks like...

Tenodera fasciata (In a threat Position (I think) while drinking droplets of water and dont ask why a ATi Graphic Card is behind it xD )

Inside his house Praying To get some food ;)

Hierodula sp?

Notice that a limb in front of the Raptorial legs is gone because it was fighting with my T.Sinensis

Deroplatys Desiccata

Search in Google... :p

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Nice Leo. Yes the paddy field is a good place for mantis. All the best finding some cool mantis there, watch out for the blood sucking leech!!! ;)

Nice Leo. Yes the paddy field is a good place for mantis. All the best finding some cool mantis there, watch out for the blood sucking leech!!! ;)
Thnx and yes I will look out for those blood sucking creatures...

And also, would you be interested of keeping mantis that I will catch, if there to many that is...

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You IDs are all wrong, except maybe from D. desiccata, they are easily recognizable.

Your Tenodera is not australasiae but fasciata. The Hierodula is the same species I found in Borneo on every trip, but this is not trimacula. I am still working on the ID. In the forest you will find the more interesting species than in paddy fields.

You IDs are all wrong, except maybe from D. desiccata, they are easily recognizable.Your Tenodera is not australasiae but fasciata. The Hierodula is the same species I found in Borneo on every trip, but this is not trimacula. I am still working on the ID. In the forest you will find the more interesting species than in paddy fields.


I thought it was Trimaculata but your the expert and its almost like all Tenodera Species are almost the same and can you give me the ID of the mystery Mantis that I talk about in my first post, The males are quite small, about 5 cm, brown coloring, beautiful coloration inside the raptorial legs, the head is like all classic Mantids, purple wings and I think there is a spot pattern on the purple wings, thnx

I will edit my first post...

And all, can you give a photo of Tenodera Fasciata...

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I thought it was Trimaculata but your the expert and its almost like all Tenodera Species are almost the same and can you give me the ID of the mystery Mantis that I talk about in my first post, The males are quite small, about 5 cm, brown coloring, beautiful coloration inside the raptorial legs, the head is like all classic Mantids, purple wings and I think there is a spot pattern on the purple wings, thnx

I will edit my first post...
Without a photo? No chance, I'm sorry. There are over 140 species occurring in Borneo...

FishermanBrazil had some, titled as T. superstitiosa. You will not find many photos under T. fasciata, as most people don't know this species. Most more unusual mantids are misidentified on the net.


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