Questions about breeding - Hierodula Membranacea


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Sep 18, 2018
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Hello, I'm still fairly new to mantis-keeping but have been thinking about breeding my adult female Hierodula Membranacea (Giant Asian Mantis)!  

She's already laid an ooth and might possibly be getting ready to lay another.  (On wikipedia it says the species has "very limited parthenogenesis abilities"??  Does this mean there's a chance some babies might hatch from this unfertilized ooth??)  How many ooths is she expected to lay/how long is she expected to live for?

I'm interested in breeding her, though I don't know how hard it'll be to find an adult male and actually do the breeding--I also had some questions about it all, as I'm not sure yet if I'm ready for handling the babies.  

If I did get her successfully fertilized and her babies hatched, I'll be honest, I'm not sure what to do with all of them--I don't know if I could sell/give away enough of them, mainly... though I guess that's partially what this forum is for, haha!  I have no plans to become a professional breeder or anything, I just wanted to give my girl the chance to actually mate and lay some fertilized eggs.  What suggestions do you guys have for a beginner mantis keeper?  

If you were able to mate her you could sell the fertilized ooth on here before it hatches if your worried about handleing all the nymphs... I know what you mean... Nervouse myself a bit, but we can do this!

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I don't believe that hierodula membranacea ooths can be parthenogenic. Sorry!

- MantisGirl13


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