Quick videos of my nymphs


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Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
They're so small that it's hard to really get any kind of footage of them. The contrast of them against my computer screen was about the best I could do. The first video is Mr. Chang Foo going for Rick's signature, the other is Earl sitting on my finger, eating a fruit fly.

Please please please please turn down your speakers, as I was stupidly unaware that as I was filming, the camera was practically against my speakers (which was on one of my pandora stations) So it's RATHER LOUD. Just a warning.



Also, I was noticing one my nymphs was.. I suppose the word to use is "stiff". He was the last to molt (which was a few days ago) and when I opened his cage to offer a fruit fly, his arms were straight ahead of him. While I read on another part of this forum that they do this to perhaps look like a stick for defense, I noticed that as he moved, his arms stayed straight out in front of him. It took a few minutes before they snapped back in the normal "praying" stance. Is this normal?
