Hello, here are some species I currently have available with pricing. Read bold text at bottom if you are interested.
Therea petiveriana medium nymphs: 12 for $30
Blaberus peruvianus 12 mixed nymphs: $20
Blaberus fusca small/med mixed: 12 for $16
Blaberus craniifer 10 small nymphs $20
Blaberus distanti: mixed, 15 for $20
Eublaberus sp. "Ivory" 12 for $20
Eublaberus c.f. serranus 12 smalls for $25
Eurycotis floridana small/med nymphs: 10 for $20
Eurycotis decipiens small nymphs 10 for $25
Gyna c.f. sculpurata 12 x-small nymphs for $35
Gyna centurio 12 mixed nymphs: $35
Pycnoscelus nigra 16 small/medium nymphs: $20
Lucihormetica verrucosa 10 nymphs: $30
Lucihormetica grossei 10 nymphs $80
Ryhparobia sp. "gold" 12 mixed nymphs $30
Ergaula pilosa 10 smalls: $25
Simandoa conserfarium: 12 nymphs for $40
Hemithyrsocera palliata 12 mixed nymphs $35
Shultesia lampyridiformis 12 mixed nymphs $25
Phoetalia pallida 24 mixed $15
Deropeltis paulinoi 10 smalls $45
Opisthoplatia orientalis 10 mixed $35
Blattidae sp. "African bullet" 12 mixed $30
Anallacta methanoides 12 smalls $35
Loboptera decipiens 10 mixed for $30
Periplaneta americana "Venom " 10 for $30
Epilamprae sp. "Borneo" 10 nymphs for $30
Paratemnopteryx couloniana 12 nymphs $25
Panchlora sp "Giant " 12 mixed nymphs $30
Paranauphoeta formosana 10 small nymphs $45
Ischnoptera bilunata 12 small nymphs $20
Pseudomops septentrionalis 10 mixed nymphs $35
Some species may be limited, I ship 2-3 day priority mail USPS, pricing dependent on order size. Also offer express mail shipping if necessary. If you have any questions concerning husbandry, common names let me know. If your weather requires a cold pack please ask that I include one. If the weather is not ideal, we may have to wait for a cooler day. Let me know if you may have any other questions!
roach pictures
Therea petiveriana medium nymphs: 12 for $30
Blaberus peruvianus 12 mixed nymphs: $20
Blaberus fusca small/med mixed: 12 for $16
Blaberus craniifer 10 small nymphs $20
Blaberus distanti: mixed, 15 for $20
Eublaberus sp. "Ivory" 12 for $20
Eublaberus c.f. serranus 12 smalls for $25
Eurycotis floridana small/med nymphs: 10 for $20
Eurycotis decipiens small nymphs 10 for $25
Gyna c.f. sculpurata 12 x-small nymphs for $35
Gyna centurio 12 mixed nymphs: $35
Pycnoscelus nigra 16 small/medium nymphs: $20
Lucihormetica verrucosa 10 nymphs: $30
Lucihormetica grossei 10 nymphs $80
Ryhparobia sp. "gold" 12 mixed nymphs $30
Ergaula pilosa 10 smalls: $25
Simandoa conserfarium: 12 nymphs for $40
Hemithyrsocera palliata 12 mixed nymphs $35
Shultesia lampyridiformis 12 mixed nymphs $25
Phoetalia pallida 24 mixed $15
Deropeltis paulinoi 10 smalls $45
Opisthoplatia orientalis 10 mixed $35
Blattidae sp. "African bullet" 12 mixed $30
Anallacta methanoides 12 smalls $35
Loboptera decipiens 10 mixed for $30
Periplaneta americana "Venom " 10 for $30
Epilamprae sp. "Borneo" 10 nymphs for $30
Paratemnopteryx couloniana 12 nymphs $25
Panchlora sp "Giant " 12 mixed nymphs $30
Paranauphoeta formosana 10 small nymphs $45
Ischnoptera bilunata 12 small nymphs $20
Pseudomops septentrionalis 10 mixed nymphs $35
Some species may be limited, I ship 2-3 day priority mail USPS, pricing dependent on order size. Also offer express mail shipping if necessary. If you have any questions concerning husbandry, common names let me know. If your weather requires a cold pack please ask that I include one. If the weather is not ideal, we may have to wait for a cooler day. Let me know if you may have any other questions!
roach pictures