Rules for how much to feed a mantis?


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Jun 22, 2013
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After reading a recent topic where someone asked when to feed a mantis (daily, every other day, etc.), I realized I've found practically no information on how much to feed a mantis on these days.

I have two female Ghosts (L5 and L6) that I try to feed daily, with several house flies or nearly double that number in hydei (if I run out of house flies). They're fairly plump, and I guess observing their fat asses is an adequate gauge — but I really have no idea what I'm doing.

I've yet to come across any solid information on how many flies (fruit flies, hydei, house flies, bluebottles, etc.) I should feed them. Is there some sort of guideline? For instance, you're told to feed cats and dogs, say, one can in the morning and one at night. Is there a comparable feeding rulebook for mantids?

If not, someone should go on the long, tedious journey of research and experimentation to make one. (For example: L3 Ghost: 8 hydei per day; L5 Ghost: 6 house flies every other day; etc.) I'm someone who needs exact numbers and rules for everything, so this appeals to me.

Any thoughts on how much to feed your mantis?

When my mantids are eating blue bottle flies around L4 depending on the sp I put 5 or so in the container. The next day, if they are all gone, I will put more in.Some of my big girls will eat 10 to 15 big flies a day toward the last instars. adult males I only offer 1 a day. If they eat it right away I will offer more. If I notice it is going to be molt time, I will make sure the flies are not flying around in the container. I either remove them or (sadly) pull the wings off so they can't interfere with the molt. If all the flies are eaten immediately I will increase the amount. So When I have little babies, I will just add a tap of hydei, usually about 10 or so in a 32 oz container. Little less in a tiny container. I think you will figure it out by trial and error. None of my mantids eat exactly the same amt every day. I have some in between babies that are a little to small for bbflies so I just cut off the fly head an hand the body to the baby...I hand feed the butterworms by cutting the worm In half or just cutting the head off for some of the pickier eaters 2x a week. I guess what I am saying in a round about way is if the food is gone, then offer more, If they take it by hand and eat it all, then offer more. They just eat when they want to, sometimes all at once, sometimes a little at a time, sometimes not at all :)

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Great idea, generally a fatter mantis matures quicker. You should start a feeding log and record your results

There are no rules. I feed mantids every other day with the exception of gravid females that are usually fed daily. If a mantis is nice and plump you're feeding enough. The abdomen shouldn't be flat and it shouldn't be stretched to the max.

For most species, overfeeding won't be an issue. For females, I like to put in wayyy too many feeders and just remove the ones that aren't eaten, then wait a few days. For males I am more consistent, feeding one or two feeder insects once every 3 days. A lot of feeding also has to do with the timeline of your mantid. Pre-mating/pre-ooth-laying will usually entail more frequent feedings.


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