S Wahlburgii, H Majuscula, and my crazy friend.


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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
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NYC area
Hi everyone,

so while I already posted a lot of shots of thies guys/gals, I just love photography so much that I had to take some more pics.

I also got a new camera. I normally would never buy a canon rebel but the T3i that I got has 90% of the features as the 7D from canon. it uses the same censor, has the same exposure and dynamic range values, and has the articulated screen like the D60. it's buit in moter drive is clearly slower then the 60D and the 7D, but I no longer shoot sports and action for a living so who cares. it's still a nice 3.7 FPS for when I do need something, and can hold 9 shots in the buffer, so it's not bad at all for a rebel.

I almost got a 60D, but I would have been broke for the month and I want to pick up a nice macro lens in a week or so.

anyway, here are a ton of pics with both my old camera and my new one.

L1 Wahlburgii



L2 Wahlburgii



H Majuscula female




my male


I know that the following is not a mantid, but my nice male Quad is normally friendly and cute. sadly he had a lot of fear of my new camera. as a result, he showed his "FEAR" colors as he ran away from me.


I also wanted to take out one of my oldest Idolos so I can take a few pics. thankfully, she didn't want to be taken out.



I started out with the Rebel. What kind of lens are you currently using?

That's great you got an Idolo to cooperate and give you the threat pose! Your L1 wahlbergii nymphs should be molting soon!

nice shots!

...what tammy said, what lens are you using?

im about to go home and take some new shots of my heterochaetas :D

I started out with the Rebel. What kind of lens are you currently using?

That's great you got an Idolo to cooperate and give you the threat pose! Your L1 wahlbergii nymphs should be molting soon!
don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with rebels. I'm just more used to shooting with pro or prosumer cameras.

just think, my point and shoot is a canon G9. that is far from a small or light wieght pocket camera...oh it's not even good for anything but cargo pockets or a tiny belt pouch. no shirt pocket for this camera.

but I was suprised about the rebel T3i.

this camera is better then the T2i that it replaces for a number of reasons or features.

it has a few key features like "highlight tone priority" (great way to get extra detail out of your highlights without any added noise that I can see) and can wirelessly control off camera flashes (I will so use this for macro work indoors). in live view, you can also goto 5x and 10x view for macro work to make sure you are in focus better. it has a fast drive (3.9fps, a ok sized buffer) and ultra quick response for a consumer camera. with the same censor as the 7D and almost all the features/filters/adjustments, this camera is a 7D with the 60D's articulated screen (awesome for getting down low shots without me bending my bad back or getting on the floor) all wraped up in a rebel.

I also always thought that the rebels were too light, and far too small for my hands. this one is still a bit light, but they increased the size a drop so that my hand fits better...a lot better. it really is a pleasure to hold for a long time in my hands, and how many rebels can we say that about?

so again, I was shocked that this rebel T3i is a great camera.

I just used the kit lens (18-55mm USM IS II) for the shots of my Majusculas and my Chameleon. your Wahlburgiis were shot with my P&S G9.

with all the websites just lowering the price yesterday of the Tameron 60mm F2.0 Macro, and it having a $100 MIR until the end of the month, I may just jump on it next week or so. the Canon 60mm USM Macro is also on the list if I don't get the Tamron. but I like the bokeh better on the Tameron, yet the Canon is quieter in AF and maybe a drop faster. the Tamron is more expencive then the Canon, but with the $100 rebate, I may just jump on it. oh, and the Tamron alway has "live" manual focus even with AF turned on.

I'm looking for a nice handheld macro that I can shoot in tight spaces or of mantids on my hands. and I don't think the 100mm Macro IS L is the right thing I'm looking for.

both will also make a great portrait lens too on a croped censor.

still, not too shabby on the close ups of the female Majuscula with on camera flash and a silly kit lens.


P.S. thank you everyone for the kind words.

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Love your cham! I just got a my first one, a three year old Veiled from a local guy. Hoping to get back into mantids, and to eventually get a panther chamelen

Nice pics and awesome chameleon! :) I just got a Toshiba Camileo X100 and hopefully I'll have a chance to upload some of my awesome ghost pics soon. I just got a new camera too. It's got a VERY nice macro setting. Also does up to 1080i 60 FPS in full HD recording mode. Only cost me $150. :D Originally it was $200 but I found a new and unused one for much less online. It's also got a slow motion recording mode that's just a little bit grainy but works really nice. Touch screen and wireless YouTube upload button too. :D

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Warpdrive did your majusulas have black markings on there arms at sub adult?


Interesting. 2 of my subadult females have black arms. The others don't.

edit: at least I thought they did, but they were only pink and red on the inside arms at sub adult.


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Nice pics, and now I know what a L2 Wahlburgii looks like, since I am buying some from Tammy :)


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