Safest way for a 3-legged molt? Help please!


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I have an L5 iris oratoria female that has an injured lower back leg (from getting stuck in the mesh). She has looked like she needed to molt for a couple weeks now. She is plump, but she has not eaten in weeks. She is getting weaker and weaker by the day. I lost a male in a similar situation because he could not finish the molt. It seemed like he just did not have enough energy. I'm afraid the same will happen to her. She doesn't seem to have the strength to hold her abdomen up anymore. It is almost like she is hanging right side up

1. Should I cut the dead part of the leg? Is H2O2 a good antiseptic?

2. How can I help prop her up, so she can molt in the right position?

3. Can I give her water?

4. Should I try to force feed her?

I'm so sad. She was extremely healthy.

Happy to say she made the molt! I had to make sure she stayed vertical, because she could not hold herself horizontal. But I did not touch her leg, and it seems worse than before.

Does anyone know if a part of a leg can still be dead right after a molt?

YAY! I am read in some threads that people have amputated a suspected piece of leg after a bad molt and have it grow back the next molt so long as it wasnt a huge piece. I personally wouldn't know what to do and I am also a beginner so I have no advice to give to you in that area, i'd just wait for somebody else to chime in. If you could post a picture of the supposed damaged leg i'm sure it would help for a diagnosis and solution.

Post a photo..

I wouldn't be chopping off anything. Wait until someone or yourself can find reliable advice. I have a Chinese mantis that's missing a leg as well, he was found that way. I've read aslong as they're young it should grow back within a few molts.

my advice is the same as pookadotted, post us a photo.

Thank you! I bought a camera an even upgraded my phone. I can't get small pictures. I'm just not tech savy.

She is fat again and probably ready to molt soon again. She does not use her leg and I am worried that the heavier she is the harder it will be to molt. I saw people talk about taping bad legs.

Does taping a bad leg ever work?
