Should I buy I ghost mantis?


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Jul 13, 2017
Reaction score
South Carolina
I'm new to keeping mantid and have been looking to buy a ghost mantis. From what I've seen is their relatively easy to care for, breed easy and can be kept with other ghost mantis, plus there badass looking to. Just wanting to know if I should get one and advice for caring for them.

You cant go wrong with the ghost, easiest mantis to raise. There are care sheets all over for them, just need room temps and food and water, they

like to drink. Check out my site for a care sheet too.

Ghosts are great mantises. Very easy to raise and have a very exotic look to them. And they can be a variety of cool colors, from black, to brown, to yellowish brown and even bright green!

The 32 oz deli cups are perfect containers to raise them in.

Spray them every other day with water and feed them fruit flies and Hydei flies when small and Blue bottle flies and house flies when older and you will have happy little ghosts.

No offence but how would anyone like to be in a tube to live? insects don't either, you can start them in it, but please

buy or make them a nice bigger container so they can run around without running in circles.


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