sick mantis as food


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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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My mantis Iris is very lethargic and not eating or drinking. Another mantis was like this too. I am worried that whatever this will spread to the others.

My question, can I feed her to my tarantula or could this mystery problem

be given to her?


I don't believe it would hurt the T at all unless the mantis was exposed to chemicals or something.... But it never hurts to play it safe and just not do it :) your call really.....

How old is she? She may just be dying of old age.

Also, when's the last time she's eaten? Are you sure she didn't go too long without eating and is now weak? Also, is she a nymph?

If she's old then feeding her is probably fine, although you could always try hand feeding first to see if you can save her :)

She is a young adult. She is about to lay another ooth. I gave her more water and some honey. She is better now than she was earlier. I am keeping a close eye on her.

Thanks for the replies.

She's fine now. I gave her extra water and bee pollen. I will watch her and make sure she drinks better than before.

Thanks everyone.

So am I! She is a good girl. She laid her ooth in the fake tree I got for them all to play "jungle bug"

in (one at a time of course!) Its very pretty there. Now Pearl is in it. She's hanging upside down hoping for something yummy to go by.

sick, or old mantids are never given to healthy specimens as food. I personally would not like to run the risk of my healthy specimens catching a sickness, or diease from the unhealthy one. Miss molts are some times given as food to another.
