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Dec 28, 2006
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Made a deal with him, and I gotta say, some of the best looking ooths I have ever seen. One ant already hatched. Ooths like these do not come from a hit and miss mantis keeper, he must take really good care of his girls! ps. He is my supplier and you cannot have any :tt2:

Been trading ooths with him, his are well packed and good looking, :eek: hey what u giveing my ooths away for? :hammer: :innocent: oh and two hatched this week! :smarty: I the lucky girl!

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I recently received four oothecae of two different species from Albert. I know they will hatch because of his reputation and good practices. I recommend him to anyone wanting to make an ooth trade.

Also as a side deal from one of my sales, I was a broker in a sale from Albert to man in Canada. The package just arrived today with good results. Again, Albert came through well and made happy, a person who was difficult to please.

Update: October 26, '12 Ooth no.1 hatching with H. bipapilla nymphs. Albert has done his breeder

job well again! Update 10-28, '12- almost 50 nymphs living through the ordeal so far. They are the lightest translucent green I have seen in hatchlings.

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Congratz agent A I'm happy it hatched out for you, means I didn't fail at breeding lol . Good luck on with all the babies lol ..... they will never stop eating lol ...

Congratz On Rich S as well enjoy with all the babies .

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Got my first three mantids from Albert yesterday. They're absolutely gorgeous. He has a very stable schedule which made it easy for me to arrange when to go and get the mantids, as well as being very knowledgeable on the subject and in the short few minutes I spent with him in person he taught me more than a few things about feeding, fruit fly culturing, and caring for the mantids. I would recommend Albert to any Canadian breeder who is worried about the time it takes importing from the states.

10/10, will buy again.

Last evening and more today another ootheca is hatching which I received in a trade with Albert. It is fun to se the little emnerging nymphs scatter in the container as they free themselves from the attaching thread lowered from a cliff like a climber. Thanks again Albert for making this experience possible. I hope the oothecae I sent you arrive safely.

My first Heirodula bipapilla ootheca from Albert hatched out (is currently hatching) this morning. I am very please with Albert's kindness, care for his specimens and the friendship we have as two fellow Canadian hobbyists. I definately recommend doing business with Albert to anyone looking to buy/trade oothecae or nymphs!

He won't disappoint you!


Yesterday I went down to see Albert again. I picked up ten very healthy, very speedy and energetic Hierodula majuscula and Polyspilota griffinii nymphs. They made it home and settled in nice and quick. Two of the griffins even molted last night :) I love my trips to see Albert, and I love the new mantids I have from him. I will continue to rely on him when I want new mantid species, and I recommend him to anyone else looking for the same.

Following through on my "Will buy again" From my first review, I made another trip down to see Albert today. Today was a very major purchase for me, getting an adult male creobroter pictipennis, an adult pair madagascan marbled, and 15 nymphs each of Taumantis, Archimantis latistyla, and Hierodula membranacea. Communication was smooth as always, we came to a fair agreement quickly, and the transfer of mantids was smooth as usual. I really enjoy my visits down to see Albert, and I hope there are many more to come in my future.

Unfortunately it was only a couple days later the Creobroter pictipennis male died, and the marbled female couldnt walk from the moment I brought her home. I have a feeling its because of the very confined spaces Albert keeps his mantids in, which I very much disagree with. If you're ordering from Albert, I would suggest ooths or very young nymphs, ones that haven't had a chance to be cramped yet and can be given a good home. I've had too much failure from the older larger mantids from Albert to recommend them.

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Hi, Yesterday a recieve an ootheca of pnigomantis from Albert. The package was perfect and the ootheca is very big!

I hope i can have many larvaes in some weeks :)

Many thanks Albert.


i have received two perfect ooths from silentdevi, all well packed and i am waiting for the coming out i really appreciate what you have done, i will update and do the samething to you .best wishes.

Went down to visit Albert for a trade tonight. I was offered a fair deal and he even gave me an L3 Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii as a gift.

Its unfortunate that the male griffin I received in trade was still really young, potentially the runt/slow grower of the hatch, and when brought home was missing the front tip of his right raptorial, and had a bump on his arm that he chewed on. After molting the bump became a bigger problem, and he received many other disfigurations. He did not last long enough to molt again, and my griffins go unmated. After this I will not be dealing with Albert again.

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I made a deal with SilentDeviL. Great communication, great packing! Trully recommended ! :)

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I just received a carefully packaged Polyspilota Griffinii ootheca from Albert today. Very nice looking ooth, too. :stuart: I'll update when it hatches.

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