You can watch the a little big pictures in completely full screen if you click into them and move the cursor to the top or bottom of your screen and than stop clicking. They become a nice size than ;-)
edit: This is just working AFTER you have opend up the too big picture but not working with the small pictures directly showen.
Mating Popa spurca crassa
Two Gongylus gongylodes males try to mate
Freshly hatched Gongylus gongylodes and one week old larvae 2.
Gongylus mating
Idolomantis diabolica male wants to mate while female is building an ootheca
Tenodera spec (cf. angustipennis) rules the TV
Best regards,
edit: This is just working AFTER you have opend up the too big picture but not working with the small pictures directly showen.

Mating Popa spurca crassa

Two Gongylus gongylodes males try to mate

Freshly hatched Gongylus gongylodes and one week old larvae 2.

Gongylus mating

Idolomantis diabolica male wants to mate while female is building an ootheca

Tenodera spec (cf. angustipennis) rules the TV
Best regards,