Stagomatis californica mismolt


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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2016
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Hi everyone had a nymph fall during a molt. I placed him back on a stick as soon as I found him and misted him because it looks like can't get his antenae or raptors out and I'm not sure what to do! :p

In the future, do not mist a molting mantis directly. The surface tension of the water will prevent the mantis from being able to escape its old exoskeleton.

Unfortunately, it's likely too late to do anything for it since their exoskeletons begin to harden quite quickly as they start molting. Even if you were able to get its raptorial claws out, it will be unable to use them. The best case scenario is that you feed it by hand until it molts again.

Should I amhputate or euthenize? At this point it's been a day and they are still stuck.

Should I amhputate or euthenize? At this point it's been a day and they are still stuck.
Sadly something should have been done when you realized they were stuck. At this point I am unsure if it can even recover if it is still hanging, as it would be well beyond exhausted and dehydrating.

As mentioned by Ranitomeya if you want to give the nymph a chance and are able to hand fed it, then you would need to cut around the stuck exoskeleton to free it. That said the nymph will need to be able to hang for the next molt to recover; otherwise, it will simply be in a worse condition as it is unable to molt properly. Regarding amputation that is something that will need to be decided upon as you free it, depending if it is required or not.

Euthanasia is a option that is entirely up to you.

Thankyou! so many little bumps along the way..... poor guys. So I fail less in the future, what are the biggest causes of failed molts?

Thankyou! so many little bumps along the way..... poor guys. So I fail less in the future, what are the biggest causes of failed molts?
Your welcome, and it can happen to everyone (just more senior keepers don't bother to share troubles on the forum ;) ).

The four biggest causes of molting problems is not enough habitat height, low humidity, no/few proper gripping surfaces, perches/sticks/etc that are angled too low (angle nearly vertical for fewer (if any problems)).

@CosbyArt I'll have to keep all that in mind then! I've been trying to mist their containers daily as well as adding feeders. I want to make mesh lids soon but I've been so busy I haven't been able to find time.


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