Standard operating procedure?... Feeding techniques?...


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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2014
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Standard operating procedure... Fruit fly Feeding techniques: OK I know about putting them in the fridge for a few seconds to put the dormate..


How do you store your fruit flies in?

How often do you start a new culture?

Do you need to water cultures after established?

Do you take them out of the culture container each time you feed?

Or do you keep some (after they turn) in another container?

if so... do you add water, or moisture or food for them?

What kind of gadget to you feed Fruit flies, to mantids with?

I hope I am not visiting a subject that has been covered many times.. If so... I am sorry...


This topic(s) have been discussed many many times on this forum. Just check the archives or put "fruit flies" in the search box.

I mix up some special fruit fly medium from in a 32 oz. container, which seems to last me a few months at the most. Every month or so I make a new culture and dump some of the flies from the old one into the new one. You don't need to do anything to the culture after starting it. I just leave them in the container and tap some out into the mantis container for feeding, no need to put them in the fridge if they're flightless.

I also use Carolina medium. I add an inch or so in the bottom of a 32 oz insect cup with mesh vented lid. Add water until the medium is moist but with no standing water. You just have to learn by trial and error how much water to add. You should not have to add more water later. I add a SMALL ball of excelsior (most people overdue this). I add adult flies from an existing culture and just wait. Depending on the type of fruit flies it may be awhile before I have enough flies to use.

When it comes time to feeding the mantids I have a technique that works well for me. You can do this however you like but find what you like best after seeing what others do. There is not reason really to put flightless fruit flies in the fridge but it does take some practice to avoid losing some. I use a small fruit fly vial with a foam plug as a transport container. I set the fly vial upright with a small funnel inside. I tap the 32 oz fruit fly culture to knock flies to the bottom. When flies are at the bottom I quickly remove the foam feeding plug in the side of the 32 oz fly culture and tap flies through the funnel and into the vial. It may be necessary to tap the vial/funnel setup to knock flies down but the funnel usually keeps them in. Once I have enough flies (there is no set amount) I put the foam plug back into the 32 oz culture and set it aside. I then raise and tap the vial/funnel setup on a hard surface, remove the funnel, and put the foam plug in the vial.

I can then use the vial to move flies to mantid enclosures. If I am feeding fruit flies it is likely the nymphs eating them are in 32 oz insect cups. In that case I remove the feeding plug from the side of the mantis cup and insert the funnel. I then tap the vial on a hard surface and tap flies from the vial through the funnel and into the mantis cup. Replace the vial plug when necessary. I have to do a lot of tapping to control the flies but lose few. Sometimes I get lazy and don't use the vial but I tend to lose more flies.

Fruit fly cultures are left to produce and when they start to decline I start a new culture using flies from the old ones. If you time this right you will have a constant supply of flies. It takes a little practice to get the timing right.

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Thank you good info...

I am really learning the tapping technique... and fruit fly retreval... just have to stop panicing when they escape while I am feeding..LOL

As with everything else... I know it will get easier with practice..

But... I have a project under works for feeding with f.f.... if it works.. I will post a video..

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If u have a few mantids u can use the fruit fly blow dart

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ok... Fruit fly blow dart? Sounds scary.. I have no idea what that is.. I don't have to put the fruit flies in my mouth right?..LOL


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